206 |
[2023-9-3] 주일학교 유스 예배 안내
| 주일학교 | 2023.09.05 | 632 |
205 |
[2023-8-27]주일학교 유스 예배 안내
| 주일학교 | 2023.08.27 | 641 |
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[2023-8-20] 주일학교 유스 예배 안내
| 주일학교 | 2023.08.19 | 635 |
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[2023-8-13]주일학교 유스예배 안내
| 주일학교 | 2023.08.12 | 672 |
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[2023-8-6]주일학교 유스예배 안내
| 주일학교 | 2023.08.06 | 683 |
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[2023-07-30]주일학교 유스예배 안내
| 주일학교 | 2023.07.30 | 693 |
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[공지]2023년 8월 27일 특별찬양 안내
| 주일학교 | 2023.07.28 | 665 |
199 |
[2023-07-23] 주일학교 유스예배 안내
| 주일학교 | 2023.07.23 | 666 |
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[2023-7-16]주일학교 유스예배 안내
| 주일학교 | 2023.07.16 | 680 |
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2018년 4월 8일 중고등부
| PKYouth | 2018.04.15 | 1133 |
196 |
2018년 4월 1일 중고등부
| PKYouth | 2018.04.08 | 1226 |
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Daily Scripture (8/11 Fri)
[1] | YouthGroup | 2017.08.11 | 1171 |
194 |
Daily Scripture (8/10 Thr)
[1] | YouthGroup | 2017.08.10 | 1253 |
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Daily Scripture (8/9 Wed)
[1] | YouthGroup | 2017.08.09 | 1119 |
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Daily Scripture (8/8 Tue)
[1] | YouthGroup | 2017.08.08 | 1161 |
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Daily Scripture (8/7 Mon)
[1] | YouthGroup | 2017.08.07 | 1175 |
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Daily Scripture (8/4 Fri)
| YouthGroup | 2017.08.04 | 1228 |
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Daily Scripture (8/3 Thu)
| YouthGroup | 2017.08.03 | 1120 |
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Daily Scripture (8/2 Wed)
| YouthGroup | 2017.08.02 | 1102 |
187 |
Daily Scripture (8/1 Tue)
| YouthGroup | 2017.08.01 | 1115 |
Is there anything more annoying than being super thirsty
and not having anything to drink? It can literally be painful. It’s human
nature to have more than one type of thirst, too. We can be thirsty for
attention. For money. For help. Jesus told His followers that faith in Him
would satisfy all their thirsts forever. In other words, no relationship will
ever be more fulfilling than the one with Him. What does this statement
tell you about the importance of our relationship with Jesus?