Sena 10/28

YouthGroup 2016.10.30 08:33 조회 수 : 1052



In the beginning, God loved Israel and they loved God back. God even called Israel his son. As time passed, Israel slowly forgot everythingGod had done for them. They worshiped other idols and would thank those idols for what God had done for them. Because of what they had done, Israel deserved nothing but punishment from God, however, God's love for them never changed. Instead of punishing Israel, He took his wrath out on his one and only son, Jesus.




God told us that the most important comendment is to love God with all your heart, all your soul and all your mind. Forgetting God's unconditional love and worshipping other idols would be breaking that great comendment. However, everybody forgets and puts someone or something before God from time to time. Even if we do, God still waits for us to repent and return to him. He doesn't punish us, and instead with Israel, he gave up his one and only son to help us, the sinners, to God who is perfect. So we have to learn to not be blinded by something that gives us temperary satisfaction but worship God unconditionally like he loves us unconditionally. When we do forget and turn our backs to him, we need to rememeber that he is waiting for us to return and not waiting to punish us.


Harry Lee

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