Name an area of your life where you could be more “plugged in” or connected with God?
For example, you can think about your weakness/things you can be tempted by easily.
댓글 6
2016.01.17 21:33
2016.01.19 16:59
나는 찬욱이를 사랑하는 마음이 적은 것 같습니다. 그리고 남을 배려하는 마음이 적습니다.
2016.01.21 18:02
I could be more plugged in by not procrastination on SENA and be less stressed out about school(grades, tests, clubs, image, etc.)/friends. I should also be kinder towards Juna and stop being so negative around her.
School because I am so focused on grades and stff I do not focus or really think I about God.
2016.01.23 22:00
I am sometimes tempted to skip Sena, but I know I shouldn't. Even doing a little everyday will accumulate and become something significant in the end.
2016.01.23 22:19
I feel like I am less "plugged in" at school and put God in a lower priority when in school.
2016.01.23 22:40
I want to be connected with God in situations where I overreact and become upset with someone cuz this thing like runs in the familyand it sucks
Prayer/doing SENA
Easily tempted by procrastination