Sena 07.11.15 Rosa Lee

YouthGroup 2015.11.08 09:39 조회 수 : 1122




The kind gain honor and are benefited while the ruthless gain only material wealth and destroy themselves in the process. God will act against those who are cruel and have evil intentions, while those who are good will come out on top in the end.  Essentially, "the righteous attain life, but whoever pursues evil finds death."  

Those who share freely and are generous will attain the goodwill and prayer of others.  Others will want them to be happy, to prosper, and to live securely. However, those who are greedy and refuse to share their hoards will be disliked by all, and no one will help them if they fall on hard times. As a result, the generous will thrive while the greedy will fall.  Thus, the generous are truly wise. 



One should be generous and kind.  Although it may not seem apparent at the beginning, doing so will lead to the greatest reward.  Putting yourself first may seem ideal,  but this will only attract the ire of both God and others. Conversely, putting others first will make God and others help you to ultimately succeed, whether in this life or the next.So be nice and charitable!