Choa Mun
October 27, 2015
God's Work in and through Us
Summary: The first passage is basically telling you what Christians, as believers of God, should act like. It emphasizes that we should only care what God thinks of us and not what others do. We should not try to please anyone or look for praise from anyone but God. We lean onto God and worship him. We are encouraging, comforting and urging others to live lives God would be proud of.
The second passage is about whose words we believe in. The passages says that Christians have suffered and that God's words relieves us like no human's word ever could.
Analysis: The first passage is about Christians representing God's name. We should act like children of God and followers of God every day, not just on Sundays. Since God gave us the intelligent and freedom to make our own decisions, we should make use of that. We should not let other people's flattery or approval impact our choices. The only person impacting our choices should be God.
The second passage is about the Word of God. If the Bible was merely filled with the words of a human, it would not impact us or transform us like the words of God. I think the most important part of this whole entire message is to lean on God, not others. To me, that was an important part of the text.
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2015.10.28 18:51
하나님께 의지해서 사는 삶! 맞아, 다른 사람들 의식하지 않고 오직 믿음을 지키는 데살로니가 교회 사람들처럼 사는 게 참 중요한 것 같아.