Tenny's Sena HW: Summary and Analysis

Tenny 2015.09.26 20:29 조회 수 : 1028

Day: 9/26/15

Scripture: Ezekiel 11:14-15


    God was displeased when he saw that the Israelites were not keeping true to God's wishes, worshipping idols
and spreading vile religion across God's land. Wishing to discipline the unfaithful, God exiled the Israelites from
Jerusalem. However, this exile is not permanent. When Israelites learn from their mistakes and repent, God will lead
them back home.



    God does not punish us for wrongdoing. He does not let misfortune befall us because we failed to be faithful. God simply disiplines us, teaching us our mistakes and righting our paths so that our future is bright, like any
loving father would do for his child. Even in the midst of our harship, God is always there with us, holding our
hands and guiding us until we reach the end of our suffering.